Impact Stories

$1 million boost for Te Ara Wai

September 17, 2019

3 min read

Trust Waikato staff visit Waipa District Council to learn more about the Te Ara Wai project.Fundraising for Te Ara Wai is well underway with Trust Waikato announcing that it will inject $1 million into Waipa’s new museum and discovery centre.

Waipa Mayor Jim Mylchreest says the substantial donation is a step closer to enabling the district’s diverse and largely unknown social, cultural and natural history to be shared with local, national and international visitors.

“This is such an important project for our district and we are sincerely grateful for the support Trust Waikato has shown for this project, and other Waipa District Council projects over the years,” he says.

Te Ara Wai will be a centre of national and international significance where the stories of New Zealanders are protected and shared in a way that is accessible to everyone.

“No one in New Zealand has attempted a project this ambitious before, weaving together different perspectives on the New Zealand land wars. There is simply nowhere else in New Zealand where you will be able to have this type of experience.”

Mylchreest says Te Ara Wai will encompass the region’s foundational geological beginnings, it’s mix of peoples, their struggles, innovation and resilience, and their battles for sovereignty during the New Zealand land wars.

It will provide places for discovery, questioning and learning, and visitors will be able to take pathways through natural landscapes, battle sites and early settlements that formed the Waipa community and shaped Aotearoa New Zealand as a nation.

Trust Waikato chief executive Dennis Turton says the Trust granted significantly towards this project because it will have a “important impact for our communities at a regional and national level”.
“We believe Te Ara Wai will deliver transformational change,” says Turton. “This initiative will provide employment and training opportunities, and most importantly increase people’s connection to the land and our history so that we can acknowledge the past and move forward with collaborative solutions into the future.”