
Celebrating Matariki – our first hautapu ceremony

July 8, 2024

2 min read

The Trust had a special Monday morning with our first hautapu ceremony as a culmination of our Matariki celebrations. In the weeks leading up to Matariki, each staff member selected a star and held an education session and activity so we could all learn more about Matariki and the special meaning of each star in the cluster.

The ceremony is commonly known as ‘whaangai i te hautapu,’ meaning to feed the stars with a sacred offering, or hautapu for short. For our hautapu, staff all said a karakia relating to their star, with those who had chosen Tupuaanuku, Tupuaarangi, Waitii and Waitaa, placing kai from their star’s domain into the fire as an offering to Matariki.

Food offerings to Matariki in the fire pit.

It was a beautiful morning filled with waiata, time for reflection, and acknowledging the past, present and future together.

Shout out to Hawaikii Maipi for leading our hautapu and helping us prepare, and thank you to Carol and Carolyn of Ngaati Wairere who joined us for the special occasion.

Guests gathered around the fire pit at dawn.