Paul Schmitz - building collective impact
Over 200 people from across the Waikato region attended the Paul Schmitz workshop on May the 8th. This event was hosted by the Hamilton…
February 25, 2022
2 min read
Thank you to everyone who joined us on 24 February for the third
The recording is available here if you missed it. Following the last Puna Koorero session, this one discusses how different providers are working together to support our most vulnerable communities in the peak of the Omicron outbreak.
A few key takeaways from our team as a recap:
He waka eke noa | We’re all in this together
Whakapakari i te hapori | Building capacity into communities so they can support themselves with local intelligence – enriching communities to do what they do best.
He Manaaki Tangata | If it’s not serving the people, don’t accept the response – keep challenging.
Hauora | Maintaining the wellbeing of staff and teams that are working incredibly hard. This is not ‘business as usual’ – we are in ‘crisis mode’ which needs to focus on service delivery and people first.
As mentioned in the hui, the Waikato DHB Covid Integrated Co-ordination Centre (ICC) freephone is open from 8am – 6pm, 7 days a week on 0800 220250 – Option 2. They will be moving to 8am – 8pm from Monday, 28 February.
Over 200 people from across the Waikato region attended the Paul Schmitz workshop on May the 8th. This event was hosted by the Hamilton…
Trust Waikato hosted a community event, Measuring and Leveraging Impact on May 4 2018. At this event, two international key note speakers, Michael Weinstein…
Thank you to everyone who joined us on 11 November for the first hui session of Puna Koorero – Trusted Voices with Dr Rawiri…